Marko svetuje

Raised garden for contemporary gardening

A modern portable raised garden with a big water tank

On the verge of the upper Savinjska Valley, lies a small town Mozirje.

A town, known for its beautiful flower park Mozirski gaj and recreational-tourist ski center Golte. Right here, in the heart of green valley, surrounded with forests, where the best wood comes from, the first modern portable raised garden with a water tank was made.

Our family business Marsan d.o.o. has been occupied with carpentry and roofing for many years.

Because we adore wood, it didn’t take long, before we gave it our free time as well. We believe wood and wooden products are our future, that is why all our knowledge and time was dedicated to develop a product that without any effort, enables a chance of growing plants for your own usage and relaxation.

For the companies owner Marko Zidarn, wood and it’s formation was already written in his genes. His love for creations from wood, indefatigable determination and innate accuracy, were put to the test several times in the last two years of creating and making improvements to the modern portable raised garden.

Each of those trial raised gardens got its place on our home terrace, where we have always wanted to have a useful vegetable garden. Usually the initial enthusiasm settles very soon and the watering can doesn’t want to water the plants on its own. That’s why Marko came up with a solution.

A big water tank – contemporary gardening for increasingly busy people

 In the massive wooden frame of the portable garden, he built a water tank. After a few different tries, it was ready for a test. We planted the lettuce, cherry tomatoes, yellow and green paprika. We watered the plants very well and waited for results.

In addition to liking  the portable garden very much, they were always on hand, so we were always checking when we would need to water the plants again. In spring we didn’t have to water them for 10 days or more, or the rain watered them for us. We watered the lettuce in it’s intensive growing once a week and this is the result.

Abundant harvest on a small space

The quality of the lettuce was often checked and soon the summer was upon us. We were thrilled for the abundant harvest on such a small space, so we had to photograph our produce at all times.

…we noted…

Our first portable raised gardens with water tanks, their first results were
